Vera Silva - Breathwork Specialist

Inspirar breathwork project

In 2018 Vera overcame a personal challenge that, at the time, she didn't give much importance to, but it was from that moment that her emotional resources began to wear out.

One year later, she left a job she hated and started from scratch in a multinational company with great responsibilities. Soon after, the Covid pandemy came and, finally, the crisis in her marriage was the last drop… She then started looking for tools that could get her out of the negative spiral she was in. That's how she became a breathworker.

It was through breathing that she rebalanced and discovered herself, finding inner peace and a sense of purpose.
Today, she shares her learnings with everyone who wants to live in an emotionally balanced, full, healthy and, above all, HAPPY way.

Some of the points that Vera focuses on when teaching people through CONSCIOUS breathing:

- Connection with your body and the power of your breath
- Learn to deal with stress in a healthier way
- Access to your inner power
- Calm and clear your mind
- Rebalance emotions
- Increase focus, concentration and creativity
- Improve sleep quality
- Improve physical condition and breathing patterns

More energy and joy in life