Mushina - Ecstatic Dance DJ

Mushina stands out as a vibrant and influential figure in the Ecstatic Dance scene, known for his magnetic charisma and contagious energy. Whether performing as a musician or organizing events, he has become a constant presence in the community, often found in large 360° dance circles, passionately sharing conscious energy and love through his music.
Although he does not travel the world, Mushina remains deeply involved in his community in Portugal, where he takes the lead in bringing people together through a variety of holistic and creative activities, pouring his heart and soul into making his community thrive as a force driving force behind all initiatives that celebrate art, dance encounters, culture and connection.
In his live performances, Mushina perfectly combines the ancient wisdom and tribal soul of indigenous cultures with a contemporary and organic rhythm. Collaborating with guest artists, he creates a rich and engaging experience for your audience.
Always dedicating himself to music production, Mushina continues to reveal new songs and remixes inspired by the Prophecy of the Fifth Empire, an esoteric legend that envisions the spiritual and cultural unity guided by the Portuguese nation.
Portuguese by blood, Mushina embodies in his music the mission of spiritually elevating people through music and the passion for a vibrant and united world.