Antonio Goncalves Pereira

Antonio Goncalves Pereira
Coordinator of Ecomood Portugal
European Climate Pact Ambassador
In 2015, he created Ecokart Portugal, a platform with the mission of promoting sustainable motorsports and electric mobility in a practical and effective way. Among many other activities, he created the Ecokart G1 Euroindy, the first electric kart to take part in a 24-hour race. This was the first step towards the subsequent creation of Ecomood Portugal, an NGO whose social mission is to promote, in a practical and positive way, sustainable mindsets, behaviours and solutions, with a priority focus on the areas of mobility, education, energy, circular economy, rational consumption and solidarity. Environmental and social sustainability.
In addition to creating content, he is a guest speaker at many sustainability and mobility events and writes regularly for publications such as BlueAuto, GreenFuture AutoMagazine or e-Mobilidade+.